Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing


  • You Will Be There – MTB-XIV

    Who could resist the lure of bowling and billiards? Surely I can’t, which is why on Tuesday, May 22, you’ll find me at the above locale, Garage Billiards, 1130 Broadway, in Seattle. After your marathon day of fifteen minute meetings and sterno-warmed chicken and penne eaten during your committee meeting, join the fabulous collection of… Continue reading

  • Open Source Software 2016 — from Compliance to Cooperation

    I am pleased to be speaking in San Francisco next week, December 21, at the Practicing Law Institute’s CLE on open source software “From Compliance to Cooperation.” Shane Curcuru, Vice President for the Apache Foundation, and I will be talking about trademarks in open source software. You can attend live at the PLI center in… Continue reading

  • More INTA fun!

    And don’t forget also the e-Trademarks Listserv reception, another popular event where those of us who ordinarily commune via email can actually meet in person! See you at B.B. King’s Blues Club, (9101 International Dr. Suite 2230), Tuesday, May 24 from 5-8 pm. You can sign up here or through the QR code on the… Continue reading

  • Must-Do INTA Event

    INTA is fast upon us – appointments made, packing list written, comfortable shoes worn in. And I know that you have a spot reserved on your calendar for the never-to-be-missed Meet the Bloggers! Except this year it is fabulously BEAT the Bloggers because There’s bowling! Yes, you too can see whether you still got it,… Continue reading

  • Open Source and Free Software 2015: Benefits, Risks and Challenges

    On December 16, 2015 I will be participating in the annual PLI seminar on open source and free software in San Francisco. I’ve participated before, but I’m especially excited this year because PLI is devoting a full hour to trademarks, which I consider a demonstration of the rising recognition of the significance of trademarks in… Continue reading

  • Meet the Bloggers

    It’s time again for Meet the Bloggers on Monday, May 4th, at 8 PM, recreating the first historic gathering that John Welch and Marty Schwimmer put together at Henry’s Pub and Restaurant, 618 Fifth Avenue, in San Diego. (I was there!, I really was!, but I must have been in the bathroom or something when they… Continue reading

  • Happy Birthday!

    To this blog. Five years, 530 posts. Continue reading

  • Blog Moved

    If you previous saw a post that was titled “Blog is Moving,” you have found the new home. Welcome back. The text of this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Continue reading

  • North Carolina IP Section Annual Meeting

    I am pleased to be speaking at the 2012 North Carolina Bar Association Intellectual Property Law Section Annual Meeting on March 23, 2012.  My session is titled “Who Owns the Intellectual Property?”  I’ll be covering developing law surrounding the ownership of patent, copyright and trademark rights (what else?). Details here.  Hope to see you there.… Continue reading

  • Meet the Bloggers VIILXCIIIV9

    Or whatever number it is.  (Marty, when do we switch to real numbers??) It’s that time again, the never-to-be-missed Meet the Bloggers event at “#INTASF” for those of you who tweet, “The Annual Meeting” for those of you who are proper hobnobbers, and “in-tah” for you crass Americans who don’t know enough to say “eye-en-tee-ey.” … Continue reading