Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing


  • Know When to Fold ‘Em

    I’ve previously reported on a case brought by Wayne Gray challenging the ownership of the UNIX trademark.  Gray was trying to register the mark “iNUX” but his application was refused as likely to be confused with UNIX. He went on the attack in court, claiming that an assignment from Novell to defendant X/Open wasn’t effective. He lost… Continue reading

  • Confirmed – X/Open Owns the UNIX Trademark

    I previously blogged about a case where there was a challenge to the ownership of the UNIX trademark. The decision has now been affirmed in an unpublished decision by the 11th Circuit. The UNIX mark was owned by Novell, but Novell decided to first license, then assign the mark to X/Open, a technology consortium.  Novell had used… Continue reading

  • The SCO Group Wins One -Trademark, That Is

    The effects of the infamous SCO Group copyright lawsuits ripple on and on. I can’t begin to summarize the complexities of the cases, but if you’re interested you can spend a few years perusing this site. In a sentence, The SCO Group claimed to be the owner of the copyright in one prong of the… Continue reading