Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing



    It’s still hot and heavy in the Bratz litigation. There are these enticing entries on the district court docket: 05/18/2009 5510 PHASE 2 DISCOVERY MATTER – ORDER NO. 34 filed by Special Master Robert C O’Brien Regarding Motion to Compel Production of Hard Drives from Computers Used by Isaac Larian after February 27, 2008 (O’Brien,… Continue reading

  • MGA Smackdown

    MGA Entertainment has asked for, and was granted, an expedited hearing for a stay of the injunction pending its appeal to the Ninth Circuit. The hearing will be May 18. In expected fashion, MGA couldn’t pass up an opportunity for a smackdown in its press release: Mattel’s iteration of the brand will necessarily bear little… Continue reading

  • Mattel $100 Million Richer, For Now

    Yesterday the Bratz court dealt with a boatload of motions, most importantly MGA Entertainment’s motion for remittitur of the $100 million verdict. MGA Entertainment claimed that the $100 verdict was duplicative, and that the jury really meant that the verdict should be $20 million. The MGA parties argue that Mattel had a singular theory of… Continue reading

  • Bratz To Remain On Sale For At Least a Year

    The fallout from the Mattel win continues – MGA filed a motion under seal for a stay pending appeal; Mattel filed a motion asking for the appointment of a receiver: Mattel makes this Application on the grounds that MGA has filed, both in this Court and in the Ninth Circuit, stay applications based on MGA’s… Continue reading

  • Mattel Now Owns Bratz

    As it last stood, Mattel had moved for an order on declaratory judgment that it owned all right, title and interest in the Bratz dolls created while the designer, Carter Bryant, worked at Mattel; for a permanent injunction that MGA cease manufacturing dolls; and that the court impose a constructive trust and transfer the “Bratz”… Continue reading

  • Bratz Arguments

    The parties in the Barbie vs. Bratz battle were in court Monday on post-trial motions (blogged here). Read the news here. © 2008 Pamela Chestek Continue reading

  • Mattel Moves for Everything

    A little behind in my reporting on the Bratz case.  New reports are that Mattel filed a motion for a permanent injunction to enjoin MGA from making and selling Bratz dolls and from using the Bratz name and trademarks. There are a slew of motions.  First for declaratory judgment: [T]he Court should now issue a declaratory judgment pursuant… Continue reading

  • Bratz Post-Verdict Spinning

    You may have seen that there’s some dispute in the Mattel v. MGA case over the amount of the verdict. Mattel claims it’s $100 million and MGA claims it’s either $20 million or $40 million, saying some of the awards in the verdict form are duplicative. I put the verdict form here, so you can… Continue reading

  • Bratz Verdict!

    The verdict is in, but not without some confusion. Reuters reported a verdict for Mattel for $100 million, AP says $40 million. I suppose either way it’s a lot of money. Here’s the horse’s mouth, see for yourself. For all parties combined it could be $100,031,500, plus a little interest: $66,031,500 from MGA, $33,000,000 from… Continue reading

  • Hint from the Bratz Jury

    Reuters is reporting that the Mattel v. MGA Entertainment jurors asked “Can we find that the first generation dolls violate copyright but the second generation do not?” Continue reading