Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

But Wait – Meet WHICH Bloggers?

While I can’t claim attendance at all the Meet the Bloggers events, I do claim attendance at the very first one (okay, I’m not in the picture – I must have been getting another cold one. I was there, really I was). I haven’t yet gotten my official invitation to participate as a blogger at this year’s festivities, but I plan on being there.

When: May 18th, from 6 to 9 PM
Where: Offices of Graham & Dunn, Pier 70, 2801 Alaskan Way, Suite 300

See host Seattle Trademark Lawyer’s post to RSVP.

Since John called, I did a little research. In this corner, we have, from the TTABlog, Meet Two Bloggers, Meet the Bloggers II, Meet the Bloggers III, Meet the Bloggers IV, and a dysfunctional family member Meet the TTABlogger. Building secondary meaning? Or just a lack of imagination?

Marty, however, has shown resistance to the extreme left end of the Abercrombie spectrum, as well as the hobgoblin of consistency that builds brand: Trademark Blogger World Tour, Trademark Blog Live in Toronto, Trademark Blog Live in Chicago, and finally Blogfest Berlin.

Then there’s the rest of the, um . . . licensees? (in the finest Bucky Badger sense of the word), with Likelihood of Confusion’s Meet the Bloggers and the IPKat’s invitation to Meet the Bloggers.

But wait – maybe I’m Meeting the wrong Bloggers! Should I be here, or here, or here, or here, or here, or here, or here?

I think greater minds than mine have to ponder the question. Looking forward to seeing all you there.

© 2009 Pamela Chestek

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