Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

Heavy Hitting in Las Vegas

The Law Vegas Trademark Attorney gives us background on a newly-filed dispute over the mark HEAVY HITTER(S). It’s an interesting situation – it looks like an advertising agency registered the mark HEAVY HITTER (although the certificate says HEAVY HITTERS) for legal services and relied on licensees’ use to support its registration. Glen Lerner, of Law Vegas, touts himself as “The Heavy Hitter” and there may have been a contractual relationship between the agency and Glen Lerner – indeed, a specimen showing Mr. Lerner’s use may be what was filed with the agency’s Statement of Use. Mr. Lerner has now filed a declaratory judgment action against the agency claiming that the agency doesn’t own the mark. Perhaps he was inspired by this case.

© 2008 Pamela Chestek

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