Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing


  • The Smallest of Details

    We’re all generalists for one thing or another. We have specialized knowledge in some field, but the practice of law isn’t so neat that everything you do falls within your core knowledge. Those who trade in contract work may cover many different types of deals and will necessarily rely on forms to take care of… Continue reading

  • Only One Recovery

    Just a brief decision on the damages award for infringement of a work that is the embodiment of more than one copyright—you only get one recovery. Here, the case was about “pirated” music and music has two copyrights, the copyright in the composition and the copyright in the sound performance. In a short but thorough… Continue reading

  • Of Course There is Copyright in Tattoos

    From Tattoo Art Inc. website There is an unpublished decision out of the 4th Circuit that doesn’t cover any new ground legally but is timely, given the recent brouhaha over copyright in tattoos. Unremarkably, because I’m not sure how anyone could think differently, there is no discussion on the copyrightability of tattoos; that is assumed.… Continue reading