Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

  • Very Helpful Federal Circuit Explication of Standing Analysis

    Lawsuits about standing in patent cases are a dime a dozen: you can find some here. But this case has some really nice summary if you need to get a quick take on the legal standard. First, here are the possible standing iterations: Under Aspex Eyewear, a patent may not have multiple separate owners for… Continue reading

  • Recording It Doesn’t Make It So

    I’ve read so many standing cases that it takes something different for me to pay much attention. This is one. Donald W. Huntley, Esq. is a patent lawyer and plaintiff Huntley, L.L.C., also known as Huntley & Associates, his firm. (His web site is, unfortunately not live right now.) EPL Technologies, Inc. retained Mr.… Continue reading