Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

It’s Quiz Time!

Beasley imageThis is a copyright case. Here is the sequence of events according to the plaintiffs’ timeline:

1995: Image created by artist Beasley
1997: Image used by defendant with permission
2003: Image used by defendant without permission
2009: Image used by defendant without permission
2009: Assignment of the copyright in the image from Beaseley to his wholly-owned company, Ideas N Mind
2009: Image used by defendant without permission (corrected)
2009: Copyright in image registered
2011: Lawsuit filed

Here is the assignment language; no one disputes that it is effective language to assign the copyright:

Beasley assignment
(click for larger image)

If you can’t read the image, it says in relevant part:

These icons were sold on apparel in the years of 1994-present day as separate iconic images. Only the artwork titled “The Worker and Management Handshake Logo” shall be transferred by this written agreement in Ideas N Mind, Inc., an Illinois Corporation ….

Who has a claim for copyright infringement?

Creative Commons License
The text of this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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