Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

Meet the Bloggers VIILXCIIIV9

Or whatever number it is.  (Marty, when do we switch to real numbers??)

It’s that time again, the never-to-be-missed Meet the Bloggers event at “#INTASF” for those of you who tweet, “The Annual Meeting” for those of you who are proper hobnobbers, and “in-tah” for you crass Americans who don’t know enough to say “eye-en-tee-ey.”  Also known as “Blogfest” by one stalwart, which, even though it’s a better name, somehow fails to catch on.

The details:
TUESDAY May 17, 8 to 10 pm
The loft at SWIG BAR
561 Geary Street, SF

And you too can join in the sponsorship fun!  To quote Marty:

Everyone who is a IP law blogger (and we are using an expansive definition of the term so as to include Twitterers, folks who contribute to their law firm’s blogs, people who wear IP-related sandwich boards, people who hear IP-related voices in their heads), should send me a link of their choosing prior to Blogfest, and a one sentence summary of their worldview. On BlogFest day, we (will all) publish the links in what will become the de facto authoritative IP law blog directory. AND at BlogFest, we introduce each of you to the others (and you can say a few words and then pass the mike (or megaphone)).

Hope to see you there! More folks talking about it here, here, here and here.

Who is this scary looking duo?  Come to MTBVII and find out.  I’m betting they’ll be there.

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