Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

The Hard Rock Hotel Fires Back

Photo by David Herrera

Things are getting more interesting in Hard Rock Cafe International (USA), Inc. v. Hard Rock Hotel Holdings, LLC. As previously blogged, this is a spat between a trademark licensor and licensee where the licensor claims a breach of the license agreement.  Hard Rock Hotel has fired back in its answer:

The Café has brought the present lawsuit – a meritless grab bag of claims for breach of license, trademark infringement, trademark dilution and unfair competition – in an attempt to terminate or rewrite the 1996 license agreement. The Café complains about a range of alleged trademark abuses that in many cases it has long known about, tolerated or even approved.

It also counterclaims for  breach of contract, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, and tortious interference with business relations.  This could get interesting.

More from Ryan Gile at the Law Vegas Trademark Attorney here.

Hard Rock Cafe International (USA), Inc. v. Hard Rock Hotel Holdings, LLC et al. Answer.

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