Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

“Lizzie Borden B&B wins trademark patent”

Yes, that’s the unfortunate headline of the article in the The Herald News, “News of the Southcoast.” The Fall River, Massachusetts “Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast/Museum” sued the Salem, Massachusetts “True Story of Lizzie Borden Gift Shop and Museum” and they settled (previously blogged here and here). The Fall River business now has a federal trademark “patent,” um, registration, for promotional goods. The Salem business is now called “The 40 Whacks Museum.”
Bonus feature, an article about an author who wrote a self-published book exonerating Lizzie, after Lizzie’s sister Emma confessed to her in a dream.

© 2009 Pamela Chestek

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One response to ““Lizzie Borden B&B wins trademark patent””

  1. hard to believe you can sue someone over a name long gone to history. i found this interesting article on the naming rights over here: