Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

Lassie Speaks!

Professor Patry‘s primer on the termination provisions of copyright (straightforward to him, convoluted to the rest of us). Don’t miss his “About Me” portrait on this one –

Updated August 5, 2008: Here is a link to the decision in Classic Media, Inc. v. Winifred Mewborn that I have posted since it is no longer available through Professor Patry’s blog. Sadly, Professor Patry has decided to end his blog and, at the moment, has removed all the archived stories. The silencing of his public voice on copyright is a huge loss for those of use who relied on his intelligent, thoughtful and readable blog for unequaled insight on copyright matters. I will miss his blog every day.

Updated August 10, 2008: Responding to numerous requests, Professor Patry restored the archives for his blog and the link is operational again. While we won’t have the benefit of his thoughts on future cases, at least we haven’t lost the old ones.

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