Property, intangible

a blog about ownership of intellectual property rights and its licensing

Combining Trademarks in a Jointly Owned Holdco

The May-June 2008 Trademark Reporter has an article entitled “Combining Trademarks in a Jointly Owned IP Holding Company,” by Lanning Bryer and Matthew Asbell. It discusses the risks and advantages of using jointly-owned trademark holding companies for management of “combined” trademarks, i.e., where one trademark is used by unrelated entities (like Volvo) or the trademarks of two entities are used both separately and together (like Sony Ericsson). It looks like a timely, thoughtful and thorough consideration of the topic.

Lanning Bryer and Matthew Asbell, Combining Trademarks in a Jointly Owned IP Holding Company, 98 Trademark Rep. 834 (2008) available here (membership login required)

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